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Old 10-07-2012, 04:24 AM
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Posts: 527

Originally Posted by Deborahlees
I have said it before and will say it again....I use Elmers School Glue to baste my quilts together works like a charm.
Layer backing, batting and top as usual, but you are only going to be doing doing one side at a time so no wrinkles....
I fold my top back to the center of the top (a row of pins here helps) then thin drizzle of glue maybe 12-18" down. Smooth the top down nice and smooth....flip back to end of glue and drizzle more glue. When finished with one half
of the other half.....then wait maybe an hour to give the glue a chance to set and then flip it over, smooth the back down nicely....flip to center and start all over again....when finished with the back I let it sit for several hours or over night just to make sure everything is dry and set.... I free motion quilt all my quilts on my home machine with no problems, my needle does not get gummy, no 'hard spots'.....and when I am done with my quilt I wash it (I personally love the look of a wrinkled/washed quilt) and all the glue is gone.....
Reminder: make sure you purchase and use only Elmers SCHOOL glue...that states washable.
I use Sulky spray in the same manner. You can reposition as needed, smooth & recheck. love it
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