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Old 10-13-2012, 09:37 AM
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Join Date: Dec 2010
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When my mother lived by herself she lived with various frozen dinners because even though she was the best cook on the earth she never really liked to cook. When my husband was overseas, before the days of microwaves, I would buy my favorite pizza, take it home eat my two pieces and freeze the others in sections. And remember those pie shaped Tupperware dishes? Since the two of us could never finish a whole pie, when I baked a pie (which seemed like a lot back then) I would half of the pie cut into those dishes and he could take out a piece at a time. His mother used to make 17 pies at a time so they always had pies in the freezer. (I understand a can of Crisco makes 17 pie crusts - don't know personally I like the Pillsbury dough brand and you get 2 crusts at a time.)
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