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Old 10-14-2012, 02:00 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2011
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Originally Posted by Tartan
I think someone mentioned a new one by Woodstock? I've been telling my husband that it's not just girl stuff that he would enjoy looking around too. I'm selling hard but so far he isn't buying it.

The Woodstock one opened a couple years ago and when I was in it this summer, it was the best Lens I've been in ... neat, tidy, spacious. Guelph is good, but can be very messy and all over the place. The Ladies in Woodstock seem to care a little more and I chance to guess that more of them are sewers than in Guelph. Even one of our posters here on the QB works in Woodstock. Waterloo is a different feel, very crowded, but kind of a fun place. London is huge and incredibly well organized too. Haven;t been to the others for awhile. I know Guelph was re-organizing this summer some, though I don't think they are keeping up with it, even with that being done.

There's some men stuff there ... but the real attraction I would expect would be for you! Of course, what would I know, I'm not looking for guy things! Be sure to check their site before you go, as sometimes there are some good $ $aving coupons online.

And if you do come to Guelph, let me know and perhaps we can rendez-vous!
Good Luck!
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