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Old 10-15-2009, 04:08 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: St. Paul, Minnesota
Posts: 2,616

Hey, Michigan! I have shoe boxes full of fabric - color separated, I have a couple of baskets where I keep my scissors, seam ripper (the most important tool). I keep my rotary cutters in an old glasses case that was my husband's (he has a new one), I have a antique commode where I keep my Sidewinder, my Quilters FabriCalc, spray starch and other stuff that I don't use as often. On top of that is a table ironing board where I do my seam-y stuff, a reguar sized ironing board where I keep my sewing machine (on occasion I will raise it up and actually do my ironing on it) and a small table where I do my cutting and on that table I have a goose neck lamp, a cd player (I listen to audio books when I work) and when a block is all cut out, I set it on the table and work from there to the "ironing board" where the sewing machine. I also have my computer within inches of my table, and whenever I hear the beep I check it out and nine chances out of ten it is from all of you super nice people. Also, I like to keep a little space for a once in a while glass of wine to enjoy looking out the window and seeing the birds at the feeder and the people passing by. We live on the top of a 13 step bank and I feel like the sheep dog sitting on the edge watching the world go by and protecting our domain. I love my little world here. Edie
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