Old 10-26-2012, 06:47 AM
Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: San Antonio, Texas
Posts: 79

Oh my!! MEMORIES!! Yes we did just that every fall. Mother made us all, (5 kids) a cotton sack every year that suited our size. She could take us all to the field and make sure we were doing our job and then pick near a 1000 pounds a day as well. She was a record holder for her time. Most men did not even pick that much. My Dad was "real good" at taking it to the gin. Ha Don't remember him picking near that much. Eventho we wore gloves our hands would be so sore from the points on the bowls. We would be so happy if there was dew in the morning. Didn't have to start so early. Back then we did not have spring break at school but they closed when it was time to pick cotton so the kids could help bring in the crops. That was indeed the good ole days. Wouldn't trade for the lessons learned growing up on a farm near Abilene. TX. Thanks for the memories.

Last edited by marjean36; 10-26-2012 at 06:50 AM. Reason: corrections in spelling
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