Thread: Shop Hops
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Old 10-27-2012, 04:15 PM
Super Member
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Kansas City Mo
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I have done a few organized shop hops and really enjoyed them. Was a chance to get out and see all the new things and look at all the sample quilts. Came back with lots of merchandise and new ideas I haven't been able to go for the last few years due to health reasons. My sil and I do our own little hop everytime she comes to visit me 2 or 3 times a year we just google all the quilt shops and make our own plans which is good as we can shop at our own speed. go back to a shop if we decide we need to and if I am having a not so good day I stay at Motel while she shops or sit in car while she shops she will take a picture on her phone if she sees something she thinks I might lik W usually hit a total of 10 to 12 shops in 4 or 5 days. One year before health problems we did a combination bead shop hop and quilt shop hop now that was expensive feeding 2 hobbies at once
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