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Old 10-30-2012, 08:41 AM
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I agree with the recommendations for Bonnie Hunter. She's fabulous and has tons of ideas. I also agree that the trick to keeping your quilt from being too chaotic is to control the color selection, placement and color value. It's possible and quite popular to make monochromatic quilts that are scrappy. Choose one color and one background color and -- - voila! I'm doing that with my blue fabrics. It's my biggest stash and simply HAD to reduce it. Of course, what did I do??? Had to buy JUST A FEW more to 'balanace' out the darks and lights.

There are loads of quilt blocks - someone else mentioned Quilters Cache - that look wonderful done in scrappy style. The 'Depression' block comes to mind.

Try making a few quilts for LINUS QUILTS or the Veterans or another charity. That way, you'll get a good idea of what works and what doesn't work for you; you'll get a better feel for your own style; and you'll be doing a good thing along the way.

I hope you post pictures of all your wonderful scrappy quilts!!

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