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Old 11-01-2012, 03:01 AM
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Texas
Posts: 14

I learned to sew at 13 years old by my Step Mother who was more my mother than the real one. I also took sewing in Jr. high. I made my clothes on her Singer. I got married at 16 and my Dad gave me a Kenmore. I made all my families clothes.We Rodeod so I made all my husband and sons western clothes and suits on that machine. When my daughter was born I got a new Singer then upgraded to a Viking. I have 4 machines now and a serger. I keep them all busy quilting now. I just took a class on to learn my Serger better and have made several things on it since. See some of my items I've made on Twitter @MyQuiltedFrenzy. Happy quilting.
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