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Old 11-06-2012, 09:31 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2012
Location: Minneapolis, Minnesota
Posts: 985

There is a pattern, kind of, in a book, but the book's at home and I'm at work. I can post the name later tonight, but I think it could be made easily without a pattern.

I found a block that looked like a poinsettia, but you can use any 10 or 12 inch block that you can set on point. The 12 inch block makes a pretty wide runner, so unless your table is quite large, I'd go with the 10 inch. The cream-colored strips are 1.5", 2" and 2.5" wide and can be cut from the width of various fabrics. Mine were left-overs from a tree skirt I had made. You piece them on alternating sides of the block like a log cabin until you get the length you want on the outside edge. Then you trim them the same diagonal width as the block and across them for the center seam of the runner. The border was 3.5" wide, as I remember.

I'll try to remember to post the name of the book and the name of the block I used tonight. I bought it about 5 or 6 years ago, but maybe it's still available. Thank you all again for your kind comments.
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