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Old 11-14-2012, 09:56 PM
Marilyn Philips
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Mizkaki and Cathy: "Made in China" was engraved on a metal strip underneath the head of the machine. I can't give you a picture because machine is being checked out and given a few new pieces. In addition, I still need to learn how to post a picture. I am also very confused about its age. I went to Singer on the internet and they sent me a certificate acknowledging that serial #493519 was issued in 1851-1870. This information was not guaranteed however. Nothing about being built in China, but apparently Singers were being built in several countries even then. In any case, I'm not concerned with the monetary value of the machine, just curiosity getting the better of me. It's in beautiful condition and I'm hoping I can learn how to use it properly.
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