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Old 10-18-2009, 10:41 AM
Olivia's Grammy
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Fayetteville, GA
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I made my first quilt in 1967, when expecting my first child. I have mostly done clothes. Didn't have a clue about quilting. I used a coloring book for pictures and appliqued. Didn't have a clue about that either. I made two quilts, even used them for my son. I've had to replace the satin binding, but the quilts are still good. Prayfully my daughter will get to use them if God blesses her with a baby. In the 80's my wonderful MIL got cancer. She wanted to teach me to quilt, but was never able to. She did give me alot of blocks. My favorites were one inch squares that she had pieced while pregnant with my husband in 1937. I used them and some of her other precious blocks and created a quilt which I quilted by hand, even use the backing, muslin, to wrap around for the binding. Many garments later, when I quilt work about nine years ago I started quilting, because I didn't need clothes as much. Now I teach quilting in my home, even have a Handiquilter. How many quilts have I made? I've never counted them. I do journal most of them and give most of them away. I still make most of my clothes. The picture you see with my name is my son's baby girl. Soon I'll making her clothes. I've already made her 8 quilts.
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