Old 12-02-2012, 07:56 PM
Join Date: Nov 2012
Location: Boulder Creek, CA
Posts: 34

DD#2 wants her own Christmas quilt. It's various stars, in various Christmas fabric with non-Christmas coordinates. I'm on the second block (she knows it's not going to be ready by Christmas, that's not a problem). We've had 3 rain storms in a row blow through here, and between not sleeping much last night while waiting for a) the cats to settle down and b) something big to fall through my ceiling, and c) power being out for several hours today, I haven't gotten much done today. I am remembering just how much I hate marking itsy bitsy pieces of material so my stinking corners will line up the way they're supposed to! Probably my least fave part of quilting, but it's OH so necessary to do it to have the thing look good when it's done. I took a several year hiatus while I finished school, (late student, yippee!) and forgot so much of what I know about quilting.

I got a big block done yesterday (something of a medallion idea) that I had to first decide what grid it was based on and then draft, and while it looks OK, several of the corners are not lined up the way they're SUPPOSED to be. Aggravating. Not badly enough to rip it out again, but it was silly to do the biggest block first, wasn't it?! Dang....

Onward and upward! I've also wasted a bunch of time reading things here, and have discovered the rolling on boards method of basting. I'm SO going to do that for this when it's finished. Reading these boards may not be speeding my quilt blocks through my machine (which is having it's own issues), but it's sure interesting and educational!

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