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Old 12-14-2012, 05:52 AM
needlefruit's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Heart O'Texas
Posts: 83

As others have indicated, pricing depends so much on the area. I'm in rural South Central Texas where quilt prices are relatively low. After I bought my longarm, I did a higher end (jurored) Christmas show for about 5 years---just for fun. The show is in its 27th year, is well advertised, and is well attended, not just by locals, but from miles around. Some years were good; some years not so good. The advantage was that my name got out there, and I began picking up custom orders, as well as longarm business. It was a slow process, but now I stay busy enough that I no longer have time to 'fill the booth' during the year, so I gave up doing the show. If you'd like more info on pricing, or if you have other questions, send me a PM. I'll be glad to share info, but in the meantime, I join others in advising you that this is NOT a dependable source of income UNTIL you build a clientele.
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