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Old 12-15-2012, 07:05 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Knee deep in fabric!
Posts: 372

My buying has nearly stopped. I have 1 last online purchase to make as I need some lights to add to my stash before the moratorium begins. I am being seriously choosey about it. I've been working on the list for about 2 weeks so I am only getting what I NEED, no impulse buying!! The hard part for me will come when we move back to the States in the summer. Then I will see all of that pretty fabric that I didn't see over here-boo! But I also made a list of quilts is like to make next year and I have been building kits from my own stash to make them. I think I will do great with this if I can just stick with my list and complete the UFOs I have sitting around!
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