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Old 12-27-2012, 04:28 AM
Debbie C
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Jillaine, I just don't understand how someone would not be thrilled to receive such a beautiful gift. Perhaps you could just come right out and ask them what they honestly think of the quilt and why did they have such an unenthusiastic response when seeing it for the first time. Would they prefer different colors, perhaps?If that's the case and it were me, I'd work with them to make one they would be more apt to use in their home. There's nothing worse than putting all those hours into making something so beautiful and it ends up stuck in a closet or worse, in the dog's bed!!! Be strong and find out what the problem is! And please let us know!!
Originally Posted by jillaine
why I think they're not keen on it: no enthusiasm in response to seeing it on their bed.
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