Old 10-24-2009, 02:58 PM
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Originally Posted by MaryAnna
I don't have clutter, but I do have organized bins on my shelving- that cuts down on clutter.
Card tables, or other folding tables are great for when you have a large project. Not every project requires several tables, so you can store them away then. It'll help keep the clutter down, and free up the energy in your room.
Thank you for a couple of excellent tips. :) I had not thought of utilizing my card table as needed instead of keeping a larger table in my sewing room. I'm also working on organizing my shelves a bit better. I also use my closet for my stash.

We did remove a 2 x 4' table from my room today that I've been using as a cutting table lately. That has freed up some needed space, and I guess it won't be so difficult to cut out the larger stuff on the dining room table like I used to. I also carried several totes of WIPS out to our garage, my 'annex' in hopes of lessening the overwhelmed feelings I get at all I need to finish. I thought if I had them close by I'd guilt myself into getting them done sooner. All that did was backfire! :cry: Lesson learned.

It'll probably be another day or so before I've got it totally in shape, but progress is a good thing, and I'm starting to feel better as a result. Thanks again. :)
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