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Old 01-13-2013, 08:13 PM
Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Buffalo, NY
Posts: 10

Originally Posted by auntpiggylpn
This is exactly what made me stop buying "just because"! It took me almost a full week, working at it for a minimum of 6 hours a day to get all my fabric organized and my sewing area (which is a 9' X 10' room with a small walk in closet) put together. I purchased 40 sheets of acid free foam core board from the Dollar Tree, cut it into 9 pieces and wrapped the majority of my fabrics that were over 1 yard in length. I used all 360 pieces and still had fabric that I had to ruler fold. Anything less than 1 yard got folded and put into a Sterilite 5 drawer plastic thingy. And I still have fabric in plastic bins. That was in July of 2012. I made up my mind that I had enough and if Iwasn't going to use the fabric after I bought it, then it was a waste of my money. I have managed to make 2 quilts completely out of my stash and have only purchased the needed amount of a fabric if I don't have anything in my stash that will work. I still go to the quilt shows, my favorite LQS, Joann's, Hancock Fabrics, Hobby Lobby, and any quilt shop that I come across in my travels. I still like to window shop and see the new fabrics. The only impulse buy I have had in the past 6 months was a FQ bundle at the APQS quilt show in Grand Rapids and that was only because I was told to buy it! I am still a fabric addict and probably will be forever. I just know that it is a shame to buy beautiful fabrics and have them sit on a shelf or in a plastic tub.

This really resonates with me. I feel as if I'll never use all the fabric I already have, and much of it is lovely fabric. I think I'll use you as inspiration to help me cut back on buying. Thanks!


Wow. I meant it originally to be funny. But now I see I may have a real color addiction (Ask me about my MASSIVE nail polish collection). Thank you so much for your wise words ladies. They are really sinking in.
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