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Old 01-14-2013, 11:15 AM
DiannaLynn's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Rich Hill, MO
Posts: 22
Default I'm Lost

I understand how to make the blocks, but what about the template. What is it and where do I get one? I have a 6" and 12" square-up ruler. Sorry, I'm just lost on what a template is and where do I get one and how do I know what size I need? Thank for all your help. I have learned so much from the ladies (and gentlemen) on this board!
Originally Posted by Rhonda
Members in the Scrap Club asked if we could do a Quilt Along. So everyone can find the info easier and follow along without wading through all the Scrap Club entries here is a thread dedicated to the Quilt Along.

I will post a new quilt block each week and show you how the quilt block is made. Some will be my designs and some will be traditional quilt blocks or may be something I find online and I will give credit where it is due.

so come along and follow as we explore some ways to use scraps to make great looking quilt blocks!

this week's quilt block is one I use alot.
It uses my Boston Block shortcut. [ATTACH=CONFIG]387789[/ATTACH]
You will need a 3 1/2" template to make this into a 12 1/2" quilt block.
a 4" template will make a 14 1/2" quilt block
and a 5" template would make an 18 1/2" quilt block
If you like the minis a 1 1/2" would make a 6 1/2" quilt block.
You can see below there are 8 Boston Blocks and 8 HSTs (half square triangles)



You will need to make sure you make what I call mirror blocks

Use up a lot of scraps making as many of these quilt blocks as you like! It is one of my favorites and I use it for alot of different projects. - quilts / table runners/ hotpads/ coin purses(in smaller form) etc
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