Old 10-27-2009, 09:03 AM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Jackie Burns
Posts: 8

If I can say anything at all to you to help is what my great grandmother told me: "The quilt police are not going to show up at your door, so don't fret about the mistakes."

There are a lot of simple patterns you can do on table runners, hot pads, etc to get used to color, patterns, and your own designs. I very seldom use a pattern, I just have a vision of what I want and go for it. And there are mistakes, but that is okay, because I will have learned what works and what doesn't. And trust me the kids love to have my "goof quilts" to play with and I also donate many of them to the homless, preemies, etc. They could all care less that a couple of seams don't match perfectly or the colors might be off a tad.

Don't give up. Lots of people here on this site to help you!

Keep on a'quilting.

denverjjoy :roll:

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