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Old 01-17-2013, 03:49 PM
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 91
Default Right, $30, not $21.

Originally Posted by Carolina Sweetheart
Sorry ladies, but you are not going to get 6 yards for $21.00, you will get 6 yards for $30.00. My order did not calculate as said above so I emailed the company and questioned it. They emailed back today and said that the $30.00 was the sale price of 30 per cent off. Unfortunately the info is incorrect on this thread so watch out. I now have 6 yards at $5.00 @ yard and not $3.50 @ yard. Still not bad for the brand but not the bargain that was told to us. I would love to know how the lady got it for 6 yards @ 21.00. No big problem but didn't save as much money as I was led to believe. Just beware. I didn't question it before I ordered and should have when it didn't calculate that way so I take some of the blame. Just wanted to pass this info along to everyone so when you get a total different than you thought it should be-- that is why. I am truly amazed that no one has said anything before I have.
I suspect writer subtracted $9 (30% discount form $30 and got the $21.) Even then, the small print on the 30% discount says "original price" is basis for the discount.
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