Old 01-23-2013, 08:27 AM
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From the fridgid great lake state, HI!! It is Burrrrry cold here. But that comes with the territory. 40 degrees last week, below zero this week, and the forcast says near 40 again by the first of next week. Argh!! This weather always seems to make the sickness worse, and since my emplioyees all work in small spaces (bus) with all kinds of illness (some people are so bad about keeping sick home), then they come to the office ans spread it here. This year, KNOCK ON WOOD!! we have had it pretty good. (I may regret that statement). We use a LOT of antibacterial spray. The drivers use it on their buses after routes and we use it generously around the office. I think it helps! We used to tease our one dispatcher cause anytime someone came near her area that even looked sick, she would get out the lysol. Then I realized, she NEVER got sick. So now I even do it at home. door handles, faucet handles, light switches. Anyway, those that have been sick, I feel so bad for you. I hear this one is a real bad one.
Krystyna: Man, I can imagine what you are going through. My job deals with the state. I get sooooooooo frustrated with all the paperwork. It took me so long to get all the paperwork done on a grant request that by the time it was done they had added a new requirement, so I still wasn't done. Don't forget to dot your I's and cross your T's. These people act like the money is coming right out of their own pocket. Too bad they didn't watch the really big dollars this closely!!!
I sent 2 packages out this morning. I know, LATE. I took 2 this month cause I had a lot of stuff built up, and doing this really doesn't take up much time, but I just can't seem to get anything done. Too much to do so you work on each a little here and a little there. I need to concentrate on 1 project at a time and get them done!! So, I will sit out February Swap and hopefully get caught up enough that I am not so stressed!! Baby steps. LOL
Anyway, one of pkgs will pass over a large body of water,, so unfortunately it will be a little while getting there. However; I think she will find the package worth the wait. The other doesn't have as far to go and I will check the tracking laater and post the "ETA".
Someone posted on here that they mixed up their 2 packages and sent to opposite partners. I sure hope I got mine right. I caught myself and had to retape the package, when I opened it, I found something that wasn't in the right package. So I thought real hard and I hope I got it right. I had left my info at home. Go figure!!! Anyway, if anyone gets something that seems a little odd, that would be me. LOL I love this swap, it keeps me sain! Of course, that is a matter of opinion.
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