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Old 01-31-2013, 10:43 PM
Cornerstone quilter
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Location: Idaho
Posts: 232

Originally Posted by maryb119 View Post
My grandson is 4 and came to spend the day with me today while my DD was at work. He brought me a flat balloon that he had poked a hole in with a pin. He put a bandaid on the hole to try to stop the air from comming out but we all know that didn't work. He asked em to sew a patch on it for him so he could put air in it again. He told my DD that "Grandma will fix it! She can fix anything!" He was so serious about it. I carefully explained that sewing woulf put more holes in it and it still would not hold air. Then I got him a new balloon and he was a happy kid! It was so cute!
Grandmas can and do fix everything. YOU did! You got him a new balloon and fixed the problem-now he has a balloon that holds air!
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