Old 02-03-2013, 09:11 AM
Join Date: Mar 2011
Location: Colorado
Posts: 3,536

Tim refuses to get another one. He is the type of person that he
will ONLY give a product 1 "do over" if he has to take it back a
second time he is done with it completely.

After 12+ year with him I have learned when he got into THAT frame
of mind to just let it be and go along with him.

He pulled my little 5 cup makers out (good thing we didn't get rid of it)
and I now have a full (5 cup pot at least) of fresh HOT coffee waiting for

Originally Posted by luvstoquilt
I called the company about my coffee pot because it was getting slower with each Kcup..they told me to take a paper clipand poke it thru the holes because it likely had a coffee ground stuck there. I did that and it works perfectly...I also "descale" it when I get around to doing that...the book gives specific instructions. Go get another on, Quilty. Remember the 3rd time is the charm!

Krystyna..that animal gives me nightmares! I hope he can't run all the way to Illinois!!!
Quilty-Louise is offline