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Old 02-07-2013, 08:55 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 538

low temp dry by blowing gently across the fabric with slightly puckered lips on a warm summer day

It only shrank because you puckered too much. Guess you'll only do THAT once...note to self: no practicing for Valentine's day while prepping quilt fabric.

LOL- Alison, you're a gem. Washing & drying in hot/abusing the fabric up front makes perfect sense since you don't know what kind of abuse it will get on the other end. Better to get it all cleared up beforehand than have a paying customer accuse you of shoddy workmanship.

On the laundramat comment...that, too, makes sense since my own washing machine- while "XL" capacity, doesn't like being overloaded, so I'd be inclined to take a quilt to a commercial washer/dryer for just that reason.
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