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Old 02-12-2013, 09:49 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Northern Minnesota
Posts: 201

He is very talented musicaly but doesn't like to either play or sing. He is very good in math. When he was in second grade he had spent the night with us and I was taking him home to catch the bus (they live about 8 miles from us. He was upset that I was rushing him and in the car he looked at my speedomater and said. If you keep driving this speed we will be at my house at 7:05 and the buss doesn't come until 7:15!!! Right now is in 9th grade and performing at 2nd year college. He will go far if we can keep him out of jail. He just doesn't get social skills. Often he challenges teachers and it sounds like he is being defiant and in fact he is just stating as he see's it. We are so luck to have teachers that see past the 'oddness" and see is potential and kind heart!! After working with him I believe our prisons are full of kids like him!!! He won't break rules but he doesn't always understand rules. Once he knows it is a rule he will obay it but often we say "because I said so"!! He doesn't get respect of adults. I tell him he has a loose wire in his brain and I am working to connect it!!!
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