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Old 02-15-2013, 01:17 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2011
Location: New Milford, CT
Posts: 501

another thing going on with PayPal is false notices of transactions. My DH travels and I check out our cc's on line almost every day. I have been notified of activities on accounts that are false. They have a line source in the message to log in-NEVER DO THIS!!!! Open a new page or browser and TYPE in the url YOU know for the proper site. They nasties are getting more clever and we need to be on our toes. I have reduced my cards to 2 and pay at the end of the month. I still get hacked. I run Norton and I still have problems. It is the reason I check my card daily. It seems that once there is a problem then it happens again. Thank goodness that Amazon/Visa and American Express are reasonable companies to deal with. PayPal also seems to respond well.
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