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Old 03-03-2013, 08:25 AM
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No knowing much about these things, I purchased off of ebay a Grace controller that I wanted to use on my new brother PQ1500s. Got it at a great price but when it came wouldn't work on my machine. I called Grace Company and they told me that you have to buy a controller made for your make/model of machine, they are not all universal. But some "are" interchangeable between certain makes and models because they have a series of "switches" inside the controller box that can be re-set to your machine. You would need the original instruction sheet that came with the controller to find out if you can re-set the switches on your model and have it be compatible with your machine. Check Grace Company's web site as they do have some information. As recommended above call them as they can tell you right away if the controller you have will work with your machine and if so perhaps they can give you instructions to re-set the switches inside. They also should be able to sell you any cords that you need. They were very very nice when I phoned them. Good luck!
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