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Old 03-06-2013, 05:23 AM
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Originally Posted by mcook03 View Post
I like to look at stocking up on fabric, like those folks who stock up on food and water for the "just in case". My husband and I are federal employees, because of sequetration, our hours at work are going to be cut 20% beginning (each) at the end April and last for at least five months. DH wanted me to stock up on T.P. and hamburger~but alas I have quietly been stocking up on fabric!!!!!!! Shhhhh ...don't tell....we may have to use the scraps as TP!!!!
Martha - First, I'm sorry our government has brought you, and so many others, to this point. I'm sure we've all got opinions, so won't go any further on the sequester!

Love your avatar quilt, such pretty colors. Makes me think of spring, which is seeming a long way off. The snow on the ground does make a nice backdrop for quilt pics, though!

Lastly - and the subject of this thread - let me help you justify your purchases by saying that if you are going to have to take unpaid time off, you'll have some lovely fabrics to work with while you are home.
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