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Old 03-11-2013, 09:00 AM
Barb67's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: La Marque, TX
Posts: 14

Originally Posted by cherylrom
Can someone share a recipe for tender and juicy beef briscut. I helped with a fund raiser dinner and the leader in charge oven baked briscut that was absolutely the best I've ever had. When I asked for the recipe and how she did it - "a family recipe and we don't share recipes". I never volunteered again!

If someone asks me - oh, I think I've just received a huge compliment and share, share, share!

Thanks for your help. Looking forward to hearing from yo'all!

Cheryl, here is the recipe that I got from my Secretary over 30 years ago. It is a hit every time I serve it! Just served it to my Sorority Sisters last week - they all had to have the recipe!! Here it is:

Season one brisket with the following: Combine seasoned salt, pepper, smokey paprika, garlic salt, a pinch of cayenne (optional), and about 2 TBSP. of brown sugar.
Sear the brisket on all sides in a small amount of oil in a heavy Dutch Oven.
Remove the brisket, drain the oil.
Line the Dutch Oven with slices of white onions.
Put the meat back in Dutch Oven over the onions.
Slice another large onion and place on top of the meat.
Add 3/4 cups water to the pot. Cover and let simmer for approximately 1/ hour on each side.
In a small cup, mix 2Tbsp white sugar and 2 Tbsp cider vinegar.
Remove brisket from the pot. Pour mixture into the pot along with 1/2 c. water. Mix well. Put the meat back in the pot so its resting in the juice.
At this point you can continue to cook the brisket on top of the stove on low heat, turning meat occasionally. (you may have to add water) . Let it simmer for approximately 3 hrs.
OR, you can place the Dutch Oven in a 250' oven until the meat is tender.(about 2-3 hrs). Let the meat cool and slice across the grain. You may thicken the juices to make gravy. Delicious!!
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