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Old 03-17-2013, 02:27 PM
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Originally Posted by urgodschild2
Ok Brat and when you finish you can hop on down to Southern CA and help me with mine. LOL. Gosh I know one member in this group who hasn't even started sewing one grown up block. I keep nagging her to no avail. I think she will be burning the midnight oil soon. LOL. Not me....I am trudging along and I am half way there. Yeah for me. It took me 3 days to decide how to do lovingizabella's. So if I have any more fabric that stumps me like slows me down. Too bad you don't live over by the ocean near Santa niece has started a club that meets in a restaurant for people waiting for kidney transplants. she is going on 4 years now.
hi there well i dont hink it is me although i will start on mine soon, just had to get these others done , before their deadline and had i not been so sick i would have gotton them done long before time, but they being my grownups will be done before the deadline, and i will not be rushed for it i am sure, i love getting my grownups back, and that is why i did let the group know that i will not be speedy and i will get them out, lol, i even have some sides, all the talent in this group and on this board is jsut fantabolous, my own word, ok time for supper then back to sewing , got to go cook, not hard, blessings to all and to all a good day Hope
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