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Old 03-18-2013, 09:37 AM
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Originally Posted by J Miller

It's my experience that just because the feet don't match doesn't mean it won't work. I think there is more to it.


I didn't say it didn't work. Or what I mean is it doesn't work like a walking foot is engineered to. And it doesn't work as it should or help feed layers through together like a true fitting walking foot does. Simple as that. Does it help feed top layers? Probably somewhat, but if the feed dogs don't mesh, the layers aren't being fed together as one unit and shifting can occur. No big deal to have an extra gadget. I have lots of extra gadgets that don't do much for me. Lots of folks have the same results on a 301 as just lowering the foot pressure. If you understand the engineering and goal of what a true fitting WF does, you'll understand what I mean...The top feed dogs are supposed to grab the material in conjunction with the bottom feed dogs. If they don't meet with the bottom the grabbing or feeding is much less effective. Different strokes for different folks.

Last edited by Candace; 03-18-2013 at 09:52 AM.
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