Thread: Tried FMQ
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Old 03-23-2013, 10:20 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
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Congratulations. You've overcome the biggest obsticle: the first step. The second is fear - you can FMQ, don't let any nagging voice say you can't.
Try getting your body to practice the movements, ie. dance. Keep your body, shoulders and arms loose. Take breaks; set a timer say 30 minutes and actually stand up and move. Do the childhood exercise of head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes. You're body will thank you and your quilting will flow.
A couple of tools that help: gloves-there are many brands, even fingertip covers, this helps your hands stick to the fabric so you don't have to hold the fabric. Another is "Sew-Slip", there's also a different brand, it lays on the machine bed, under the quilt. Make sure it's large enough to cover the full area in which your hands will move. The fabric moves over the area so easily you won't need a lot of pressure.
And a couple more: the machine bed needs to be as large as you can get. 1-2 sq ft just won't do. Recess that machine so it's a comfortable height, or raise the chair and machine foot. Don't let your shoulders touch your ears or your nose touch the machine. Sit up straight, shoulders down and back-proper posture now! Again, your body will thank you and your quilting will flow.
And another: rest the quilt on a table so it's not pulling the quilt one direction while you're trying to wrestle it another. Again, your body will thank you and your quilting will flow.
And: "practice, practice, practice" but mostly, enjoy.
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