Thread: Trembling Hands
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Old 03-27-2013, 12:53 AM
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as i've said, i have et, too. i thought it was very slight and not noticeable until one day a lady i was talking to asked me why my hands shook. shocking to me! i went to the e.r. from the shopping mall because i had double vision. while i waited to be seen my left leg started shaking wildly, and then my right arm! i thought, oh, no! this et is getting worse really fast! they rushed me in thinking i was having a stroke. but it turned out to be a complicated migraine. neurological problems are so strange. it's like parts of you are run by remote control. my dh was watching me use the computer and he told me i only needed to hit the key once. how nice that was, way back when, to have fingers that did what you want when you want. those days are gone. but it is not without its humorous side! i have hit family with flying vegetables. have dropped things suddenly and then over and over again, like bouncing a ball without the bounce. so far i have destroyed about 3 acrylic rulers by gouging into them, but haven't cut myself even once! threading needles is a little like a carnival game of chance. i think sometimes the angels take pity and help me, lol. i do have an accuquilt and without a doubt it has kept me going! it is expensive, but low-tech and easy to use. and very little chance of getting hurt. things take a little longer and are done a little less neatly, but bottom line is, they get done. i don't know how much longer my dh is going to let me do dishes-- probably until we are down to one of everything! paper plates just flip in the air so they're no good, and the same with plastic (solo) cups. i can see where weights could help. i've tried several drugs. one was so bad i was having terrifying nightmares and woke up screaming and crying. another took my sense of taste. nothing tasted like anything. recently i've noticed my head occaisionally shakes. i hope it makes me look very agreeable, like i'm saying 'yes. yes. of course.' there are so many things worse than this so i feel lucky it's not worse.
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