Thread: Trembling Hands
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Old 03-28-2013, 10:39 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 76

OMG!!! I have Essential Tremor in both hands. I also have involuntary jerking in parts of my body! I have been to TONS of doctors as my neurologic issues that started with walking like a clown with big feet has continued to progress to mild tremor in my left hand, then my right hand, now the tremors are getting worse. I used to be a transcriptionist typing 130 words per minute and now I hit keys I don't mean to hit because of the tremor and jerking. I am CONSTANTLY dragging and dropping things when my hand tremors on the mouse and my arm jerks. There are some things I have "dropped" so deep I've never found them! My neurologist told me the Essential Tremor was nothing to worry about. No one said anything about it progressing or including jerking or dropping things, etc. You mean this could all be related????? Ughhhhh
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