Thread: Trembling Hands
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Old 03-28-2013, 10:48 AM
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 76

When I retired in October 2011 my husband bought me a new sewing machine...a Baby Lock Ellure Plus. It can do all of the things I no longer can because of tremors...thread the needle, sew on buttons, embroider, quilt. Trying to sew on one small shirt button can lead to three separate bandaids and quite a bit of blood! I am SO ticked off at my neurologist. When I first showed him the original tremor in my left hand he said, "Oh that is called an essential tremor, it's nothing". Why as more and more symptoms have raised their ugly heads has he never considered it could be related? When I tell doctors that I have uncontrolled jerking all over my body they look at me like I have three heads???
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