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Old 03-30-2013, 10:36 AM
DiannaLynn's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Rich Hill, MO
Posts: 22

Originally Posted by Rose_P
Twinkie, I love this! Both the piecing and quilting are great.

I enjoy making scrappy quilts. Sometimes I cut down my scraps into separate bins of same size squares or strips, as recommended by Bonnie Hunter. I like to use them as leaders and enders and then a scrappy top seems to go together effortlessly. I also like to use small scraps by sewing them onto adding machine paper and grocery store receipts.
Hi. I've only been quilting for almost three years, so I am still pretty new and I hope I don't sound too dumb, but what are leaders and enders? Also, I have two huge tubs of scraps that I have not organized yet, but plan on following Bonnie Hunter's method. Thank you for listening and for always being here, even though I hardly ever write anything, I do read this board every day and I have learned alot from you wonderful quilters! Thank you!
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