Old 04-03-2013, 09:22 PM
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Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
I have a sister I love with all my heart! She is an artist and while she does beautiful work, she is mostly known locally. However, she does ask hefty prices for her artwork. I am not a huge fan of art you hang on the wall but a few years back I purchased one of her pieces at a showing and she gave me a family discount but it still cost me $500! The size is about 12" square. Now I only did this to be supportive of her and honestly, it was painful. Well.....she had been harassing me for some time about when was I gonna make her a quilt? She started saying it in front of others something like: "well she keeps promising me a quilt but I never see it!" then she lost most of her belongings in a house fire and I finally got around to making her the quilt. I gave it to her and I did intend it as a gift but to this day I have been upset buy the fact she just took it and said "thanks". It is as if she is the artist and what I do is just for play!
She will go on and on about the time and money she puts in her artwork and that she deserves to be compensated for it. I wonder if she has any idea of the time and money ($400) I put into making her quilt! I had to pay the long armer since I don't do that. I know she has to have some idea because of her own work, but for some reason, mine doesn't count...... Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, this has sooo bothered me!
I'd sell that painting and recoup the money for the quilt. Maybe add to the stash... have a "treat yourself day" and you'll feel a lot better.
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