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Old 04-04-2013, 01:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2012
Posts: 3

Thanks or the valid input. It's always good to hear the "less than perfect" stories too It kinda balances out perspectives. I read this Janome 6500P review, which seems to only present the positive side of things, so thanks for letting me know about the other side.


Originally Posted by Shelbie
I have a Janome 6500 which I purchased new in 2004. It was the most expensive machine that I have ever bought and the one that I have had the most trouble with of any machine that I have used. My machine should have been painted yellow and I'm sure it was made first thing on a Tuesday morning after a long weekend. I also had the added problem of a dealer who was less than helpful (no use at all) and blamed all problems on "operator error". My machine had serious bobbin case issues, chipping paint, poor tension, inability to raise and lower the feed dogs, walking foot that would not operate, feed dogs that wouldn't move fabric in evenly, jamming at the beginning of seams, veering off seam junctions, changing stitch length randomly, breaking needles at thicker spots to name the main problems. I have finally had most of these problems resolved or have learned to work around them. I have just bought a new to me Juki TL98Q and the difference is unbelievable. There are great Janome 6500 reviews out there but mine is not one of them!!!
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