Old 04-09-2013, 08:35 AM
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Originally Posted by Jingle View Post
No help here, I get pretty befuddled on that sort of thing. I about have to try as I read instructions.
Thanks! That is what I have been doing. I knew Jan was really smart from reading her posts and suspected she had the solution, but I couldn't see it.

Then when a later post said to do a template...I tried that and couldn't figure out how to line it up to sew....then I saw how it had the right angles and looked like 1/2 a kite...that Jan was talking about. So then a made the template double (like a kite) and it works perfectly. I thought Jan had forgotten to add the seam allowance, but she was right again on size.

Sometimes my brain does not think well in abstract and this, for me, is very abstract. Thank you Jan, and all of you...you made me think...made me prove you right or wrong, y trying each direction. I will add a picture of what I have later... have to leave for an appointment.
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