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Old 04-10-2013, 03:56 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 20
Default Wedding Guest Quilt

My Maid-of-Honor pinned an idea on my secret wedding board that I LOVED, instead of a guestbook, a guest quilt! Yes, I want have my guests sign a quilt.

So, my wedding is in July, and I don't have the time to really plan anything too crazy but I want it to look nice and be able to knock out the top of the quilt in a couple of sittings, have the guest sign on that and save the finishing (batting/backing/quilting/binding) for after the wedding so I can finish at my leisure and not have the fabric markers bleed through the quilt. I have experience quilting, so I know what I'm getting myself into.

I want to use 3 fabrics with the wedding colors Royal Blue and Sunflower Yellow with Ivory as a filler. I want it to be a queen sized. I was thinking of either doing a rail fence or a tube quilt as these patterns seem pretty easy to cut a bunch of squares at once. Are there any other patterns that are easy sew and cut many squares in one go?
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