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Old 04-11-2013, 11:43 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2012
Posts: 903

I don't think any of these things - time, expense, effort are relevant unless you are an art quilter and can sell your items as "art". Other than that, most of our quilts don't have any higher significance to strangers than what they can buy at the store, as long as they match whatever room they are intended for. We think our quilts are special, and they are - to us and to those that we give them to who know that they were made especially for them (sometimes not them either). If it works in the space, some people will happily pay $100, or $1,000 - but our time and expertise is just not what is valued. I remember a sweater I referred to as my chinese slave knitter sweater - so much work, so cheap to purchase.
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