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Old 11-12-2009, 05:20 PM
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Originally Posted by Elisabrat
I always worry.. .. I sure hope no one is allergic to cat hair. No matter what project I make.. someone has to lay on it to test it out and I think, well if I just dont mention it... maybe... what a handsome inspector you have.
Adriansmom, your sweetie looks a lot like my BC! pointier ears, but just as cute, and makes me feel a little warmer. :D

Elisabrat, mousie doesn't want you to feel bad, but your better off telling. One of my grandbabies is allergic to cat dander, and she breaks out in hives and digs and digs till she bleeds. She is 20 months old.
If her mama laid things around that their cat had been on...guess who suffers?
Somebody might lay blocks on a fabric chair or couch where someone allergic sits. sorry, but I'm sorrier for the allergic ones.
I am allergic to canaries? small talking bird. Don't know about others.
Not allergic to bluechickens though :wink:
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