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Old 04-22-2013, 11:42 AM
00maggie's Avatar
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Posts: 17

Originally Posted by SherriB View Post
Is the bomb!!!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I am in FMQ Heaven!!!! I just got a fmq foot from April 1930's shop to use on my 301. Once I got everything adjusted, my 301 did fmq like a dream!!! I still need to work on my speed to keep my stitches uniform. But no messy bobbin stitches like my Janome gives me!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: I even spelled/sewed my name. LOL!!! I just used a small scrap of fabric and batting sandwich and have pretty much covered it with fmq. LOL!!!

I think my 301 is going to be my main sewing machine for quilting. I just love the pretty straight stitches it gives me. :mrgreen: I can't remember where I read it, but the way the bobbin and then needle connect on the 301 is what makes it so good for free motion quilting.
I've been practicing FMQ on my Singer 648 today -- what a MESS!!! I'm going to break out one of the 301s to see if I can do it with one of those...not sure I have a FMQ foot for it that fits well, however. I bought one from ??? but it was one that had to be MADE to fit the 301. And mine has never meshed well. But I am determined to FMQ!! So every day I am going to practice.

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