Old 05-04-2013, 06:31 PM
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bpeace4u, It is sure fun sewing with those old ladies.

I cleaned up a Universal today. (15 clone) I got it thinking Aha parts machine. Yeah it looked that bad. No slide plate and the bobbin case was rusted pretty good. I started by oiling the innards. It turned so nice... so I took EVERYTHING off, cleaned Tammi style with a dump bucket full of Oxyclean and soap. That mix did not take the tar off though. I used rubbing alcohol someone on here mentioned - I figured there was nothing to lose. The whole back end of that machine was covered in tar - I wondered at first if it was some kind of a textured finish on it. It did clean up and looks pretty darn good. It is probably the quietest machine I've had in a very long time. The tension was gooey with dried up oil so I re-did it last thing. Then I test sewed and it sews perfectly! I need to check the motor and wiring yet. I had a bobbin case but I need to find a slide plate. Clones are so forgiving. Then on the way home this evening my car got rear ended. We are ok but ache.
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