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Old 05-07-2013, 11:35 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Location: Florida
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I've just started experimenting with herbs. Oregano spreds, so I planted it between a concrete walk and the garage, to contain it. I love the spicy Mexican variety. It smells good along the walk. Also, I'm hoping it will serve as aground cover to keep roots of clematis cool.

We're at 3100 ft elevation, it snows, rarely below 20'F and gets to 100'F in summer. Rosemary loves it here and it's a favorite because deer don't like it. Nice evergreen in the garden.

Actually I've heard deer don't like most herbs, except, alas, basil-one of my favorites. Basil has been touch and go here but I keep trying.

Last year, thyme did well. So this year it's planted as a ground cover. The delecate flavor is so nice. My daughter tells me to mow it down in the winter and it'll come back fine in the spring.

This year I'm trying chives, fennel and dill. Oh yes, I've planted pepperment which the dogs have trashed by digging-going to put more rocks there to discourage them. It also makes a good ground cover below the camelia.

Due to poor soil, poor drainage, deer and dogs, a vege garden will take some serious preparation. So for now, they're in pots or landscape plants. I'm picking my favorites one at a time. I'd like to try taragon, sage, lemon balm.
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