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Old 05-25-2013, 08:45 AM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 109
Default Bearding problem

Hi Everyone -

I like to use wool for my bed quilts and I have been using Dream Wool for about five bed quilts over the past year.

I see now that there is major bearding happening on the BACKS of these quilts, but not on the tops. The backs are all dark cottons like navy, maroon or black.

I called the Dream Wool company and they said there is some kind of sulfur in the darker fabrics that draws the wool out like a magnet - but honestly I am finding this hard to believe?

Can people shed light on this problem for me and also, is there anything I can do? The fibers are getting onto my sheets and it's just nasty overall.

I'm so crushed over this!


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