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Old 05-25-2013, 04:00 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 109

OK, I talked to Carrie Hargrave and she said something that might explain things. She said that the thread count on the cotton backing might be a big factor. There is one quilt that has by far the most bearding and this one is clearly a lower thread count as it is stretchy.

Does this make sense?

But here is what does not make sense.

ALL FIVE quilts, if you look with a magnifying glass you can see the entire surface of the backing is covered with fuzz. You would not see this without a mag glass, but I'm wondering if some of you guys who say you have wool quilts with no bearding would mind double checking for me with a mag glass?

The reason I am wondering about this fuzz is that there is ALSO a bunch of fluffy linty clumps you can see with the bare eye and I am assuming this clumpy stuff is coming from the tiny fuzz?

I would never have checked with a mag glass if not for the clumps, so just wondering if maybe you guys are using high thread count and lighter colored backings, and just have never noticed all the tiny fuzz?

Thank you all!

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