Old 06-08-2013, 01:54 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Location: Long Island, NY
Posts: 8,814

Oh no! Lara! Get that taken care of! OWWWWW!

It's true about dogs and dander or whatever. My son and I are very allergic to Feeney -- especially his licks, but fortunately he doesn't do that too much any more. Since Daisy chases him off the bed at night, he likes to sleep on my pillow during the day. If I keep it covered, I'm fine, but if not my eyes have problems in the morning. Daisy is another story. Not allergic to her at all but we all try to avoid her favorite method of licking -- which involves excavating your sinuses -- because she has horrible breath. She's going to the groomer on Monday and I'm very nervous about it. She's never been before and she is a terrified dog who nips.

Working on borders for your little quilt. I made such a mess with the veils over the last couple of days that I'm not sure what I did with the reds and blues I had. They'll surface. Back to the veils ... only 20 or 30 that need corners mitered and then stitched down. The part I hate the most...
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