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Old 06-09-2013, 10:30 AM
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Originally Posted by miriam View Post
Dad had a job delivering gas. One night a man called and wanted gas right away. The man was so grateful Dad took him the gas that he taught Mom to cut Dad's hair. (Dad has a wild mop of hair.) When I was a little kid - she cut our hair when we were asleep. I don't know how she did it - maybe we looked scary. Sigh. She doesn't remember anymore. She doesn't cut Dad's hair anymore - he goes to get it done but it is the same cut he always had from her.

Someone had to cut Mom's hair so when I was a young teen she taught me everything she knew... LOL I don't know if she went somewhere to fix it but I don't think she looked too bad. I also cut my sister's hair.

When my kids came along I naturally cut their hair. Then I found out why Mom cut hair when we were sleeping. I can remember wrapping my legs around my daughter to hold her down while cutting her hair... My son's both went to get hair cuts when I did something to my hand once and ended up with the same hair cut I gave them. Anyway they kept having me cut their hair since it's cheaper if they are only going to get the same hair cut...

DD was wanting hair cuts for my 3 little grand kids Miss L (6) and Wilbur (3 1/2) and Walter (1 1/2) since they don't comb their hair very well. I cut Walter's hair when he was sleepy and sitting behind the steering wheel in my new Honda. I flicked his hair out the car window. No we weren't moving. I'm not sure he knew he was getting a hair cut - he was busy checking things out. Then Miss L and Wilbur... THEY didn't WANT hair cuts. So I paid Miss L a quarter to get a haircut. Made her happy. She looks very cute by the way (she is the kido cleaning the sewing machine in my avitar) Then Wilbur wanted to keep his curls on his head. BUT Wilbur saw Miss L got a quarter so he said he would like a hair cut. He sat on a bucket and I cut off a curl - Wilbur wiggled - I asked him if I hurt him. "NO " Ok so I cut off another curl. Wilbur wiggled. "Wilbur do you hear that birdie?" "Yes." "Do you know that birdie wants some of your hair to put in her baby's nest?" No comment but he sat reasonably still. I kept talking about the birdies every time he darted around. When we got done we had a huge pile of curls - some on the head and some not. So I told him he had to hide curls all over the yard for the birdie to find. He did. There is hair everywhere. His favorite place was in a tree. He got a quarter, too.

What do you do to get kidos to hold still for hair cuts? Anybody else brave/crazy enough to cut hair?
I do my husband,brother,and 4 of our dogs all the time.
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