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Old 06-11-2013, 02:22 PM
Power Poster
Join Date: Mar 2011
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I love the clones. Yesterday a man brought back an old black clone he bought from me 5 months ago. He was having trouble. It wouldn't sew through his stuff. Well, it was some kind of treated awning material. I messed with it awhile. He had the presser foot pressure off, the feed dogs were sort of dropped and he had messed up the tension, top and bottom and needle in backwards. I got it all set up and he spied a hand crank I had setting there and we popped it on the clone. Oh my - hot rodding with that. He ended up buying the hand crank set up. (Now I want one on a clone, too.) It was like getting some real horse power going through the heavy stuff - I got it through a few layers of denim and then we got the awning material out - I suggested that he get a bigger needle but the machine went through just fine.
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